Pink Asiatic Pheasants
Pink Asiatic Pheasants
Still a firm favourite Pink Asiatic Pheasants is one of the most recognisable and famous blue and white patterns of the Staffordshire pottery industry. Burleigh have been continuously making Pink Asiatic Pheasants since 1862 and it is still made today. The intricate soft blue flowers of this quintessential design bring elegance and refinement to the table. Made by hand in the UK, a lot of skill goes into making Burleigh’s most classic collection.
1 559,00 kr
2 309,00 kr
Burleigh479,00 kr
1 159,00 kr
2 316,00 kr
Burleigh1 309,00 kr
1 269,00 kr
1 559,00 kr
1 079,00 kr
1 079,00 kr
979,00 kr
459,00 kr
859,00 kr
2 756,00 kr
1 119,00 kr
1 029,00 kr
2 516,00 kr
2 316,00 kr
2 516,00 kr
2 756,00 kr
Burleigh409,00 kr
2 819,00 kr
3 529,00 kr
Burleigh989,00 kr